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C. B. MINES (psst . . . me) is an incorrigible, not quite sane, native of Detroit Michigan.


I’m not exactly a starving artist but, trust me, I live in a galaxy far, far away from the life styles of the rich and famous.


Thus any small investment in my literary or musical endeavors is much appreciated.

The Cliffs Notes version of the obligatory bio.

Having survived a generally misspent youth (I got booted from class by the dean of my college) I reluctantly moved on to something called “Being An Adult”.  Fortunately that over rated nonsense is behind me. 


Now I am a nocturnal creature and devote myself to strumming guitar on warm southern nights, stargazing on cool northern nights and letting my imagination wander.


The results of these wanderings are the novels and music/videos described on these pages.


I would like to think that if you follow the links here you will bump into something that brightens your day in some small way.


Be forewarned there is more in the works.


I am pleased to announce that my novel Ghosts of November has earned a 5-star rating from Reader Views

The review can be accessed via the following link:

Yours Truly,

C. B. Mines

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